How to Be a Leader by Lane Jordan Burday
Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. John 1:22
We were fortunate to witness some world-renowned speakers at our church conference this weekend, Gateway’s Accelerate Conference: Accelerate the Growth of Your Life and Career. Among them was the legendary John Maxwell, whose words left a lasting impact.
He had just written a book, High Road Leaders, which teaches the best attributes a leader should strive for. I’d love to share some of these life-changing points.
- High Road leaders bring people together in a divided world. They acknowledge they are human, make mistakes, and say they are sorry.
- Leaders follow their company’s mission statement and follow its principles.
- Ethics. You either have them, or you don’t. And if you don’t, you will not have real success.
- Follow the Golden Rule. Every faith has the principle of doing good to others as you want to be treated.
- Laws will always be broken by dishonest and bad people.
- Values are so important! If people could have good ones and live by them, our world would be amazing.
- Success? Good leadership skills plus good values make success.
- Leaders should do all they can to add value to others.
- Success doesn’t mean making a lot of money. Success is living a life of honor and loving others, especially those closest to you.
- Remember there are three qualities in a leader that people want to follow: 1. Unconditional love. 2. Those who believe in people. 3. Those who value people.
During his talk, John Maxwell emphasized the need for our country to return to its original value system and faith. It’s up to each individual to behave in a way that lifts people up rather than down. God is looking for those who can be salt and light in our world, which desperately needs a true compass.
If enough of us stand for what is right, Maxwell believes a great revival could begin! Can you be that person?
Lane Jordan-Burday is the Pearls of Promise Ministries Prayer Co-Coordinator; POP Talk TV and Radio Co-Host and Writer. She is also is an award-winning and best-selling author of over ten adult and children’s books. She is a speaker with Stonecroft Ministries, seminar leader, professional life coach, Bible teacher, and artist. She served as the Associate Producer for the program In Touch with Dr. Charles Stanley. She prays for women to come to know the Lord is God!
Lane’s latest book, Evangeline, is a historical fiction based on the book of Esther. You can reach Lane at: Her website is: