Jesus Still Calms the Storms by Lisa Burkhardt Worley
“He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm” (Mark 4:39 NIV).
I was on my way home from a ministry meeting when I saw dark, heavy clouds looming in the distance. I called my husband, Jeff, and asked, “Is there a bad storm in our area?” He checked the radar and confirmed. “Yes, and you are going to run right into it. It looks nasty, so just pull over if you need to, and wait it out.”
That was an option, but I decided to pray first, believing the Lord could silence this weather system. Lord, will you calm the storm so it is not an issue? You know how much I hate being in the middle of a heavy thunderstorm. I continued forward and as I traveled closer to where the storm was supposed to be moving, there was moderate rain and nothing more. I praised God and made it home—without incident.
I told Jeff that I had no weather trouble so he checked the radar again and said, “It looks like all the red stuff died out on IH 35.” IH 35 is about a half-mile away from the road I was traveling, and I suspect the storm dissipated at the exact time that I prayed!
Jesus still quiet the storms, not only the physical storms, but the emotional storms that are also happening in our lives. The key is to trust that He is able to turn chaos into peace—sometimes through one believing prayer.
What difficulties are bearing down on you right now? Do you believe that Jesus has the ability to calm your storms?
Lord, we lay all of our storms at your feet and believe that you can bring peace in the midst of turmoil. We thank you in advance for how you will work in and through these scenarios. AMEN