Heart Check by Lisa Burkhardt Worley

I have an extra beat in my heart. The fancy name is “pre-ventricular contraction.” So every year I have to go to the cardiologist to get my heart checked to make sure everything is working properly. So far, so good. In the same way, I think it is good to do an occasional spiritual heart check on ourselves.

Using our upcoming Level-Up Women’s Conference as an example, I ask myself every year, Are we doing this for the right reasons? Is this about drawing women closer to God and not about Pearls of Promise—or myself? I believe my heart is right about this conference, but a few years ago, God did some minor heart surgery. I was on my knees praying for the speakers, the attendees, and our other team members when I heard, “When are you going to level-me up?” I knew it was the voice of the LORD, and at that moment, I repented. God was reminding me that He is first and foremost, and it should be our top priority to exalt Him at Level-Up.
When speaking to the Thessalonians about his ministry, the Apostle Paul said, “We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts” (1 Thessalonians 2:4). The Greek word here also means “examine.” Proverbs 17:3 says, “Fire tests the purity of silver and gold but the LORD tests the heart.”

Our heavenly Father looks deep into our souls to see if we are honoring Him with our lives. When we receive honors and accolades, I think there may be a test involved to see if we give Him the credit for the recognition, rather than turning the attention back to ourselves. I want to have a clean bill of spiritual health, what about you? King Solomon said, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” When our heart’s not right, it can be obvious to others, so we must conduct a regular heart check. How healthy is your heart today?

It’s not too late to attend our Level-Up Women’s Conference, to be held one week from today! We still have our Buy One, Get One promotion available. Just look for the “Two-Ticket Option” and type in the promo code BOGO. We also extended our Early-Bird special for single tickets, priced at only $34. We want you to be refreshed and blessed at this conference as our messages include: “The Characteristics of Confidence” “Courage in Crisis,” and “Conquering Comparison.” Sign up today at: https://levelupdallas2023.eventbrite.com